Wednesday, September 17, 2008


In the waiting room:
"I've been having trouble with Bubba - he throws a tantrum and cries and spits when I try to breastfeed him!"
"Really? I've heard of babies that couldn't latch on well, but never one that actually hates breastfeeding..."
"Do you reckon it predicts whether he'll be a boob or butt man when he's grown up?"
More from Doc:
"All the Muslims want to take over the world and kill're not Muslim are you?"

He also wants to invade Mexico and to tell his friend Malcolm Turnbull (our new Liberal [actually conservative] opposition leader, FYI non-Aussies) to scrap "socialised medicine" cos it creates too much paperwork.

We also had a patient today who was a former SAS officer (the CIA apparently wanted to recruit him once). His theory is that Muslim society is afflicted by inbreeding and the recessive genes make tards who are recruited as martyrs.


Dragonfly said...

Wasn't a psych patient was he?
Thanks for the comment, np I love reading your blog:-)

td said...

Which one? hehe.

The SAS guy did say the army told him he was a controlled psychopath. He was pretty bright though...reads neuropsychology journals for fun. But no official psych Dx I think.