Friday, January 25, 2008

Grumbles from paradise

Of all the medical centres in all the towns in all the world...why did I have to get a Texan mentor who works 8am-6pm every day? Why god why?!

Heh. Ok he's not that bad. It's just I'm not used to working hours after waking in the pm for a month.

On the plus side, I've already cut stitches, taken more blood pressures than I have in my entire life to date, listened to some pneumonia lungs, heard a foetus' heart and am learning to suture. Also seen numerous skin surgeries and naughty parts of both genders. Tomorrow I'm going to a Whitsunday island and snorkelling and I have a long weekend. Huzzah!

My hotel has $10/day net so I'm stuck using net cafes - this is free cos of booking above tour. Yknow what sucks, whenever I have stuff to blog I have net, and when I have net (ie. in Newie) my life is dead boringo. Some weird 21st century variation on Murphy's law or summut.

Off to collapse now.

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