Friday, October 5, 2007

So much to blog, such crap technology

First setback- it's a no on my proposal from DoHA.
There are no plans to alter the current arrangements in the John Flynn Scholarship Scheme. As per my last email, your feedback is appreciated and has been noted.
And this is all the reply I am to expect? I might wonder why, with so little effort at civility, I am rejected! I don't want appreciation but action, you nitwit. Bureaucrats, pah. Hehe. Well, this was only the opening salvo, hardly expected success. Next step is to get some bigger allies to throw their weight behind the idea and bang the pot at a MP or several.

Meanwhile, such a busy day yesterday with taking the cousins a-touristing around the city all day and standing for 3 hours at Sideshow = footsore as hell! Twas hilario though. The set had a proper carnival burlesqueish atmosphere and all the acts were awesome - my ribs were sore as they should have been. We got to see Sarah Blasko, the Umbilical Brothers, Tripod, the Sandman, etc. Not bad for the price of an email! Moment of the night: hearing Paul McDermott tell one of the roadies (or whatever they're called in teeveeland) to fetch him a beer "to ease the fear" before singing, and the roadie whispering the order into his mike! He was more abrasive than I expected, though his off-record persona was pretty much like his TV self, just with more swearing. Bloody man took 3 takes of the finale song- the clapping took on a note of sarcastic exasperation at the end I think!

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